Both sides of the street…and beyond

Last Thursday night at LCS-

  • We were blessed by the choral music concert by our choirs spanning 4th-12th grade. The seniors offered heart-felt thanks to their director for her influence in their lives.
  • Across the street at Viking Field, the baseball team won the regional quarterfinal game to advance in the play-offs.
  • The LCS state champion Mock Trial Team huddled together with their coaches preparing for the national competition later this week.
  • The qualifiers for the state track meet tried to get a good night’s rest in a hotel in Jacksonville setting their sights on setting personal records and medalist performances the next day.
  • Moms at the baseball game were heard describing the emotional and special “Mother’s Day Tea” that morning in the kindergarten classrooms.
  • Parents shared how they are always moved by the choir’s concert closing piece, “When in our Music, God is Glorified.”
  • Chemistry students prepared for the AP Chemistry exam the next morning.
  • Teachers planned lessons, graded papers, and contemplated how to be effective stewards of the last twelve days of class this year.
  • Senior parents wondered; how did we get here so fast?

The mission of Lakeland Christian School is to educate students in the light of God’s Word to equip them for a lifetime of learning, leadership, service, and worship.

LCS Mission Statement

All the activities above connect to that mission. On both sides of the street, at home, in the classroom, or on the road, we strive to do all to the glory of God, with love for Him and for one another. We want to support our students in their lives now, as well as prepare them for the future. We want our mission to be the organizing principle that drives all we do as well as what we chose not to do.

Perfection or faithfulness?

That doesn’t mean we always do it successfully. We’ll hit some wrong notes, strike out sometimes, scratch on our final attempt, spill the tea on a mom’s nice dress, miss some questions on the chem exam, and make some decisions that don’t turn out like we hoped. Our goal is not perfection. We want faithfulness with the trajectory moving in the direction of growth in grace and maturity. After all, it is about all of us being lifetime learners and that requires humility and patience.

Thanks to all

This has been a remarkable year. The list above enumerates only a glimpse of happenings on one night in the spring. We are grateful for the engagement, support, cooperation, and commitment of our students, parents, faculty, and staff that have enabled us to have an effective school year. There have been bumps along the way, successes, and disappointments. In it all, we would do well to keep the big picture of the mission in sight. It’s a formidable mission that calls for God’s grace, wisdom, love, and perseverance.

May we learn, lead, serve, and worship with grateful hearts for His blessing in this most unusual of school years. Have a refreshing summer!