Graduation Reflections

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.”  III John 4

As we rejoice in celebrating another year of God’s faithfulness to LCS, I thought it fitting to share comments from students’ speeches from the 2015 LCS graduation. The words of these young men capture so much of what LCS is about and the significance of our mission in God’s kingdom. I hope you enjoy reading these brief excerpts. If you’d like to listen to the speeches, they are posted on the LCS YouTube Channel.

Make your life story a story worth reading

Matt Henderson, Valedictorian

In referencing the “big story” that God is writing through His sovereign plan in history – “My challenge to you is to make your part of the story worth reading…. Every story in the Bible is pointing to Jesus. Each story is just one little piece of the bigger, more important tale. That is our calling. Make your life story one that points to the truth of the gospel. That is a daunting call. However, if you look at the great men and women in the stories of the Old Testament, most of them weren’t great for any particular trait or skill they had. In fact, most were fairly dysfunctional people. They were made great because they chose to do the work God called them to, where God called them to do it. God has a very specific work set out for each of us. Wherever God has called you…it is that place that you are to work for His glory.

You can give glory to God by studying, by being a good friend, an obedient son or daughter, by playing sports, and doing your job well. You can point others to Christ in the mundane as well as the extraordinary.

So go: be bold. Take risks. Work hard, stretch yourself thin, love people without fear, and give without expecting anything in return….Live a life that points others to the hope that you have in Christ Jesus, and I promise you, no matter how small a speck your life may appear to be, your story will be worth reading.”

Class of 2015: Different

Colin Dodd, Salutatorian

We are young and have much to learn and experience. We have our lives planned out and we will see how they end up, but do not be surprised if God has a different plan for you. We are guaranteed to face trial and tribulations in this world. In order to overcome these adversities we must rely on our firm foundation in Christ that our families, churches and school have helped to establish in us. The motto we have heard, “Education in the light of God’s Word” will follow us. They have prepared us not in what to learn, but in how to learn, not what to think, but how to think.

I charge you not to forget your past, but to remember your roots, let them strengthen you and take heart for Jesus has overcome the world…Never forget where you came from and who you represent.”

A call to reject mediocrity

Tucker Scruggs, Christian Leadership Award

“…My greatest fear for you and me is that, as students constantly surrounded with Biblical teaching, we would become numb to Christianity. …Everyday when we wake up, we have a decision to make. We can either remain stagnant, accepting mediocrity, or we can strive to be like Christ and set apart our life as an offering to Him.

This challenge is useless unless you understand the motivation for why we should reject mediocrity. If you try to reject mediocrity to be the best, you will fail because there will always be somebody better. If you try to reject mediocrity to find acceptance, you will find that your pursuit is unfulfilling. If you try to reject mediocrity to bring glory to yourself, your prideful ambition will only make the fall all the more painful. Here’s the truth. You’ll never be smart enough… good enough…powerful enough…wise enough to save yourself. There is only one who can do that and he did that on the cross. Jesus is the fulfillment of all that we can’t be.

Let’s make a difference! Let’s engage in difficult conversations, stand up for our faith, and reject mediocrity! Let’s go our separate ways yet remain united in our passion for God and his people. The world is hungry for Jesus. Let’s invite them to dinner.”

Have a wonderful summer!

Write a worthy chapter, remember your roots, invite someone to dinner!